Recent content by dbaxter

  1. dbaxter

    Shure vs Sennheiser

    Some money has come our way and the theater is looking to upgrade our BLX and PGX systems. In one ear I hear the SLXD system is a good mid-range digital pick and the other ear is saying Sennheiser EW-D. We use at most 20 or so channels for a big musical. We do have several TV stations 2 miles...
  2. dbaxter

    Painting new masonite (hardboard) overlay

    A couple of years ago in this discussion I recommended a coat of concrete sealer prior to painting. Did anyone ever try that? We'll be coming up on another recover in a year or so and it would be good to know of other's experience.
  3. dbaxter

    another one of those "Best laptop for" threads

    You may find our Cue Player One software and one or more USB to HDMI adaptors to be a solution. CP One will support sending up to 5 independent video outputs. It is cue based for theater work and each video cue can display that cue's file on any mix of the outputs. Timed fades in and out as well...
  4. dbaxter

    connecting uplights to ETC Ion via wireless DMX

    The Donner units transmit and receive just like another instrument. Unfortunately, there's not both inputs and outputs so you can't daisy chain them in your DMX run. I mean the input to the receiver is the radio signal and the output of the transmitter is its radio signal. So address the...
  5. dbaxter

    Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

    This is Les Laisons Dangereuses. The cream color was the lighting designer's dream. She could make it pop in many colors. Hope I never have to hang 7 chandeliers again. With the molding and detail, there are around 80 pieces to each tower. Things we do for 3 weeks of show. (and love it!)
  6. dbaxter

    Painting basketball court

    Mount a "T" handle to a 8' piece of molding and tape the sharpie to the end of a broomstick. Line it standing up!
  7. dbaxter

    Control/Dimming Advice for choosing a light console

    A computer based lighting control system would certainly fullfill your needs and budget. The things to watch for would be that it's not DJ oriented, but designed for cue-by-cue theater work and has softpatching abilities. Both for conventional instruments and your future LEDs. You will need a...
  8. dbaxter

    Painting the stage floor- What sealant would you put on top?

    They have a clear water- based polyester that works well. We mix a little of it with the colored paint when we do our floors.
  9. dbaxter

    Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

    Back again at Pemberley. This is the downstairs of last year's show. This is "The Wickhams Christmas at Pemberley". Real happy with the way the table and benches turned out.
  10. dbaxter

    Software for Cue calls

    Just added another free tool to my site. It was prompted by a comment I saw here a while back (sorry, searched but couldn't find it) saying it would be nice if there was a program to display a script and be able to mark it for cues. Sort of an on-screen stage manager book. So I had some time and...
  11. dbaxter

    Marquee Lighting PC

    I don't have a copy of the Marquee software, but I can say that our software, Cue Player Lighting. is based on the same paradigm as the Horizon for display. It may make it easy for you to transition to something that does run on Windows 11.
  12. dbaxter

    Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

    There was a picture of Tim on the secret door far SR. It's the door Scarlet and Mustard come out of after entering the other secret door that popped open in picture 3 across the top. We had two stage hands and exiting actors move the periaktoi and stuff between scenes. The floor grid was helpful...
  13. dbaxter

    Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

    Here are the major scenes in Clue. Probably the most complex thing my team and I have had to build. Two periaktoi and two book flats. The storage V's of the periaktoi were finished as well. Total of 9 doors. But worth it for sell-out crowds and an added performance. (now maybe there will be...
  14. dbaxter

    Current thinking on best general purpose instrument

    The time has come to replace our older instruments. What is our current favorite general purpose instrument (other than S4)? We have some Chauvet E-910FCs that work really well and are considering a batch of ETC ColorSource Spot Vs. But I thought I'd check in here and see what other folks are doing.
  15. dbaxter

    Hardcover Periaktoi Help

    You join them together first, then cover them. Having just made 2 for a production of Clue, here were my steps: Start with a base triangle, in your case 4x4x4. Next add your 8' verticals, we used 2x2's because they had to support a door on one side and an arch on the other. You could use 1x if...