Recent content by Footer

  1. Footer

    Shehds shootout?

    I bet reliability is way better than you would expect. All SHEHDS is doing is putting a real branding on the short run stuff that has existed in China for years. I think they are also attaching real documentation to it. Could you fill a rider with any of it... no. Could you build an events...
  2. Footer

    Ticketmaster Monopoly Lawsuit

    The ski industry is seeing the same thing. For the east coast skier its cheaper to fly to Europe to ski then to ski in Colorado/Utah.
  3. Footer

    ETCP Problem Help

    Outside of installs, nope. That is the only place I see it anymore is when working on capital projects. Its an easy way to make sure your vendor at least has someone who might know whats up.
  4. Footer

    ETCP Problem Help

    The answer is D.
  5. Footer

    ETCP Problem Help

    You need to define inventory.... and I think this question is actually asking what is the least number of dimmers you can take. Personally, we all know we'd just take the 96 rack and two 24 ways and call it a day. But, they want to know how many dimmers you need at a minimum.So... to power...
  6. Footer

    LED Cycs

    Na, ColorForce72's from ChromaQ.
  7. Footer

    LED Cycs

    Its a strip unit. You mount them yoke to yoke, just like we used to with R40's or zip strips. They are designed to do that.
  8. Footer

    Quality of audio "Sinfonia"/"OrchExtra"/"InstrumentalEase"

    I bet it depends on when the show came online. Last time I touched that system was 20-ish years ago and ya... it sounded like a bad midi controller... because it was. We ended up just re-recording it to mini disc for rehearsal use and never used it for the actual show.
  9. Footer

    LED Cycs

    I have colorforce 72's V1 on my cyc... going on 9 years with them. Its the only way I'd go, no question about it. You want as many feet of them as you have cyc. So, in your case 5 units w/ the cyc lens will do it. If you are in a position you can buy used, you can buy the V1's for a grand...
  10. Footer

    How to approach college visits

    What do you want to do post graduation? Where do you want to work? Where do you want to live? Do you want to tour? Do you want an MFA?Can you elaborate on what you think having a stage management/Design and Production degree will do for you? What area of the country are you in/how far...
  11. Footer

    Wrong size pipe problems

    Hopefully the metal bases look more like this....And not this...
  12. Footer

    Wrong size pipe problems

    So they bought 2" sch 40 black iron pipe instead of 1-1/2 sch 40. That is actually a good thing at that 2" is stronger. Give these guys a call, I'm sure they can set you up with the proper sized clamp. about as far as...
  13. Footer

    lighting swap

    Where are you located?
  14. Footer

    Best laser disto on a budget?

    I know you said no Leica... but... is going on 10 years and still works great and is stupid accurate. You don't have to get the 300+ ones.