Recent content by jtweigandt

  1. jtweigandt

    My last day in theatre

    Short version.... I used to go to Ringling's parade when they arrived in town. Noticed for over 20 years it was the same guy with the coal shovel, broom, and barrow scooping up the elephant poop after they passed. Finally asked him one day.. why do that for 20 years..if the organization...
  2. jtweigandt

    Shehds shootout?

    We have a long time director here, who when our ticket price was $16, used to say.. The show may not be perfect, but how bad can it be for 16 bucks. He of course would also say. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing in front of a black curtain.But then his sets were always lavish, and his...
  3. jtweigandt

    Fly rail calls

    You shouldn't be yelling anything. You should be on some sort of comms with a pre set list of cues and what they/you do accordingly Stage manager or designated crew with good view of the stage calls you to tell you "Fly cue 10 lower #3" to lower/raise whatever. You at most acknowledge back...
  4. jtweigandt

    Diffusion clip for Toughstick RGBAW 1

    3d printed clip to hold diffusion material on the face of a Blizzard Toughstick RGBAW Has 3 versions. Minimal hook, Medium, and Agressive hook. Depending on the material you use and it's flexibility. I think I ended up with the medium in PLA+ for our lights, and they've been hanging at least...
  5. jtweigandt

    Simultaneous cues on ETC Ion running EOS

    Coming to the party late.. but could you also make the cyc activity a very long timed effect that doesn't loop?
  6. jtweigandt

    96 channels of wireless - YES

    DECT is what powers my wireless headsets that I use for mumble comms. I run as many as 5 at a time in a crowded theater with no drops or interference, but be aware DECT is also used for many wireless phone systems. Some systems I think do active frequency hopping. So you could have DECT...
  7. jtweigandt

    What would you tell a first-time spot operator?

    Yep.. we have used the telrad units for years. eliminates all the guesswork
  8. jtweigandt

    The use of AI in the entertainment industry

    Or were all the replies just bots?
  9. jtweigandt

    Creating Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis with limited resources

    You can also get epson ultra short throw classroom type projectors for about 100 bucks on ebay now.. Could project an animation or 3 slides with fade transition.
  10. jtweigandt

    7/16-20 x 1.1/4" SHFH Bolts

    Well sometimes I go looking for the SHTF bolt. That's one visually 2 sizes bigger than you intuitively know will do the job, but you cant take any chances.
  11. jtweigandt

    Light up windows

    Tissue paper instead of frost Gel... I made suspended "Sleep Tite" lettering in tissue and amber/red gel for the "neon" window sign in pajama game... Right in the middle of a big window.. oblique lighing.. I found tissue worked better than frost for this. Also used that to light the story...
  12. jtweigandt

    The use of AI in the entertainment industry

    Right now literally in the time it took me to take an xray and check back here, the AI saw something I probably would have missed. Not the primary problem but the last vertebrae in the chest and first lumbar had a congenital malformation and missing last rib on the left side. They're not...
  13. jtweigandt

    The use of AI in the entertainment industry

    Very powerful stuff.. As far as not in Theater, I use AI review of radiographs.. Didn't put the radiologist out of work, but it's a great second look so I don't miss something, and yes it has caught stuff on multiple occasions that I would have missed. I also now use AI transcription...
  14. jtweigandt

    Reference databases for material acoustics...

    But there is a simple will need MORE COWBELL
  15. jtweigandt

    DMX-sensing Relay?

    You like the 555 or the coin op? :)