Recent content by laurie johnson

  1. laurie johnson

    Costuming video

    Thanks for the recommendation, peaceful. I'll put that title in my list of videos.
  2. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Wanted to say Thank you to those who chimed with comments about the Leviton Innovator light board at my school. The comments about the software light controllers were met with great excitement and interest by our drama director. He took the information I provided him from you all and found out...
  3. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Thanks so much for all the input. My director found we do have a company that does sell lighting controls and such. Who'da thought. Anyway, in a meeting with the vocal music dept about enhancing the sound reproduction of our auditorium, lighting company was also able to put in its two cents...
  4. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Would someone take me through the steps of using software to control lighting? This is a technology I am intrigued by, but no nothing of.
  5. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Colin, I see you are online right now. I am rather lacking in knowledge about the computer system light controller option. Intrigued, but lacking knowledge. Would you be able to let me know how it is attached to the existing lighting system in an auditorium?
  6. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Thanks for your info. We might have to contact a dealer outside of the Grand Valley of western Colorado. I don't know if ywe have any dealers in the area that sell Martin. But, that said, doesn't hurt to ask.
  7. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Colin, glad to hear you know my pain. And that you had a bad experience with the Leviton. Good to know we aren't the only ones. I'd like to ask what you paid for the Martin M-Play. Is that gauche? :-)
  8. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    Thanks for the recommendations. From what source could we buy a used Express board?
  9. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    I am overwhelmed by the responses I have received so far! Thank you so much. Intrigued by the software control ideas as my director mentioned this as a possible option. I look forward to more feedback and to the research I will be doing on what has been presented!
  10. laurie johnson

    Costuming video

    Looking for a video (a catchy, interesting one) to introduce non-theatre students to the importance of thoughtful costuming choices in a play. Suggestions?
  11. laurie johnson

    Light board woes

    My school district decided to upgrade all the high schools (4) to LED lighting a few years ago. My school was the last to be upgraded. We have 8 rectangular LEDs on stage and that is it. We still have our halogen lekos from FOH and 6 fresnels to fill out the stage LEDs. The problem we are...
  12. laurie johnson

    "brick wall" panels

    I was looking at this with thoughts of purchase. Thanks.
  13. laurie johnson

    "brick wall" panels

    Thank you for the direction.
  14. laurie johnson

    "brick wall" panels

    Greetings and salutations, O denizens of the theatre world. I was introduced to a product through a class I took a few years ago that was molded paperboard that mimicked the look of a stone wall or a brick wall. I have, of course, lost my notes on suppliers, etc. Does anyone have a direction...
  15. laurie johnson

    Bushes and hedges and topiary, oh my!

    Whew! That saves me a whole lot of guilt. Thanks.