Recent content by RonaldBeal

  1. R

    Rigging safety help, what's wrong?

    The short answer: You need a qualified rigger to plan and supervise that install. There are real world life/safety issues that can arise from DIY rigging. The slightly longer answer... You will need to consult the instructions from the truss manufacture, and a building structural engineer...
  2. R

    Control/Dimming DMX Addressing in Theatre

    On most professional shows, the ME/Lead tech/Crew Chief does dmx addressing, and the Programmer/LD does fixture/channel numbers. There are occasional exceptions, but since the ME is responsible for cabling, they need universes to start and end at locations that make cabling simpler.For...
  3. R

    Martin Sues ETC for Patent Infringement

    PRG Bad Boy has similar handles, and was introduced a few months before the Mac III... prior art?
  4. R

    Etcnet2 Node Dropping edmx

    Need more information. Conole? Settings? Has it worked before and this is a new issue or is this a new config? Network settings for devices? Network switches? Switch multicast settings? What else is on network?
  5. R

    Lighting System Documentation recources?

    Those 96 saltwater dimmers didn't need a "floppy disk"!
  6. R

    Lighting System Documentation recources?

    DM me your email and I will send you some music touring documentation packages.
  7. R

    Aja recording, how it was done.

    A few years before covid, I did a James Taylor tour, that included Gad and Lou Marini (Blue Lou of the Blues Brothers). It was a fantastic band.As an aside, one day after load in, Lou was warming up on a flute, playing something simple, like Flight of the Bumblebee. When he stopped, I asked...
  8. R

    Another attack in a theatre - Keeps happening again. Can we do anything?

    There is a large market amphitheater on the east coast that, after the Vegas shootings, puts two sheriff department sniper teams on the roof of the stagehouse, looking out over the audience and beyond, for every show. Overkill? or a good "just in case"?
  9. R

    Chain Hoist Direct Control vrs Remote Control? High Voltage vrs Low Voltage? Explanation Please

    Which is perfect for touring.... When the local riggers can't fit the pickle in their pocket, they are less likely to accidently take them home!I do like the 3-d printed Star Wars light saber XLR 3 pickles that a few folks are making. (sound effects not included)
  10. R

    Chain Hoist Direct Control vrs Remote Control? High Voltage vrs Low Voltage? Explanation Please

    The above posters are correct. To expound, (and some history:) Originally, CM hoists were used in industrial/factory applications, often attached to overhead trollies or swing arms. In those applications, it was usually a single hoist, so it made sense to have power come in, and a long control...
  11. R

    Power and DMX for new LED fixtures

    Combo cables are great for LED video tiles, lighting LED battens/strips or other products where the spacing is repeating and consistent. Any other application and I have no interest.
  12. R

    PC devices no longer work on system But Apple still works

    Need more information. What kind of "system" What are the transmitter and receiver connected to? What kind of signals? What specific equipment is connected? (make and models)
  13. R

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    At the endpoints it is, (sort of) ... On an ethernet network, All IP packets get "wrapped" in an Ethernet frame. Part of the NIC software stack uses ARP (Address resolution protocol) to match local IP addresses to local MAC addresses. When the endpoint wants to send to IP Multicast, that part...
  14. R

    Control/Dimming Pathport PWPP Portable DMX Gateway

    In the weeds--> Broadcast v Multicast:1. L2 switches switch solely based on ethernet MAC addresses. (as a generalization) 2. Multicast IP addresses have a predetermined MAC address which is used as a destination only. 3. L2 switches "learn" which physical ports correspond to MAC addresses by...