Recent content by cbrandt

  1. C

    Automated Fixtures Ovation E-930VW Leko with Random Bolt?

    Is it possible the bolt from the clamp? Looks about the right size. I can't for the life of me imagine how it got inside the fixture though...
  2. C

    Help with a uni assignment :(

    So...........What are the reports they're asking for?
  3. C

    Theatrical Mover Recommendations

    Also important to note. As long as you maintain the transparency that @MNicolai referred to, most vendors will give a special pricing advantage to the first group to register the project, which would be the ones that are doing your demos. No one else would know about it. That both protects...
  4. C

    Astra Hybrid330IP: Industry's first IP LED moving Hybrid

    Assuming it is similar to the non-IP rated version, I Was pretty happy with the prisms when I demo'd that version.
  5. C

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    I draw a lot of structures, indoor and outdoor, that get stamped and certified. I have the exact same motto. Either I'm comfortable for my kids to sleep on that stage, or I don't put it up.That being said, a high wind action plan is ALWAYS a part of that certification. Either something...
  6. C

    Stage collapse at a political rally in Mexico

    I don't see anything about the construction that jumps out at me as obviously wrong. What is painfully obvious is that they either didn't have, or weren't implementing, their high wind action plan.It does look like the wind level was rising rapidly, but it was blowing pretty hard at the...
  7. C

    Ticketmaster Monopoly Lawsuit like they're finally moving on this. I can't even remember how long it has been talked about.
  8. C

    Light up windows

    I second getting curtains in the window. People expect to see that, and it sells half the effect before you even turn the light on.
  9. C

    Light up windows

    I haven't used it on a stage, but I've had great success using "white" visqueen for this purpose for large building window lighting.
  10. C


    I will never pay someone to sort gel like that. It all goes into a generic color box so if someone just needs one cut of "red" they're free to take it. Otherwise I don't trust it enough, and it costs too much, to get it sorted perfectly.
  11. C

    The use of AI in the entertainment industry

    Vectorworks added a rendering engine that uses AI to apply styles to your drawings/renderings. I haven't attempted to use it yet, but could be an interesting tool for iterating on design ideas and pitches with a client with less effort.I haven't seen it discussed anywhere yet, but where I'm...
  12. C

    Control/Dimming DMX Addressing in Theatre

    Everyone's experience with being at the bottom of the excrement flowing hill is exactly why anyone sitting in the position of figuring this out needs to do it collectively with the team, and have conversations early and often.We all have a back pocket full of horror stories that the lack of...
  13. C

    Control/Dimming DMX Addressing in Theatre

    ME with a programmer? The programmer likely has generated all the paperwork for that already. ME with an LD? Almost certainly the ME set it all up. As the ME is responsible for all cabling and physical layout, the task of addressing frequently falls to them.After all together...
  14. C

    USITT Show Report

    It seems a lot of faculty position compensation is based on the assumption that the faculty also works outside the university at least summers, if not freelance things during the regular school year. Even though if you asked administration, they wouldn't admit that, or even necessarily know...
  15. C

    Wrong size pipe problems

    Are the tops getting attached or tied off at all?