Recent content by Cue_547

  1. Cue_547

    Followspot Seats

    I can't quite tell from the pics you posted, can you mount the yoke up on that catwalk bar, aim the s4 down and still be hit all of the areas you need to? If so, that would make it easier to use a small seat.
  2. Cue_547

    Another attack in a theatre - Keeps happening again. Can we do anything?

    Wow. They didn't take it seriously, or they just didn't listen? But even so, to your point, I don't think it could've made a difference.
  3. Cue_547

    Conventional Fixtures Altman 1000 followspot operation/questions

    As for someone (myself) who has operated followspot #1 for the last five productions I've done, spot #1 is definitely house right. Followspots follow the same number order as the lighting plot.
  4. Cue_547

    Conventional Fixtures Source Four History

    Well I guess I shouldn't be that surprised, since this is the same guy who has reproductions of classic paintings with his face as the person in it. LOL
  5. Cue_547

    Conventional Fixtures Source Four History

    What an eccentric and fascinating dude. Plus that interview with him on the ETC Study Hall is pretty cool and rather entertaining.
  6. Cue_547

    Back to School: What Is It?

    Ohhhhh, that's what it is. (I have no clue)
  7. Cue_547

    Vintage Lighting Vintage 3 channel board with "Superior Electric" Powerstat dimmers- in use this weekend!

    Hey, I can talk about the dinosaur in my profile pic now. It's young me in middle school amazed by the patch bay of a late 1950s Major autotransformer board. 40 dimmers total. 4 rows of 10 across. Top row was 6K and the rest were 2.4K. At that time only 5 of the 6Ks and roughly half of the 2.4Ks...
  8. Cue_547

    News?....or Humor?......or Horror? Fyre Festival Returns presale tickets already sold out

    Have no fear, presale purchasers! Your money is safely being held in Billy's own escrow.
  9. Cue_547

    Positioning Source Fours

    Also, position B is the actual tormentor pipe/position.
  10. Cue_547

    used equipment Cleveland area

    Yep and Cain Park in the summers. Nice. Mandi is the coolest.The amps are what I'm looking at. Thanks.
  11. Cue_547

    used equipment Cleveland area

    I'm here in the CLE. What all do you have left at this point?
  12. Cue_547

    Ron Hebbard

    He liked the few posts that I made on here and always had something interesting and informative to say. I remember that he was gone for a minute, a few years ago since I've been on here, but then he popped back up and was responding to posts. He will definitely be missed. R.I.P.
  13. Cue_547

    Barbie movie affects global pink paint supply?

    This is fascinating. LMAO!
  14. Cue_547

    Circuit stays powered on after console is shut down with Strand A21 dimmer module

    What's so strange is how? The button for dimmer 1 is at the top and yes there is a vented cover in front of the modules, but the focus button is between the vents. Plus the other three on the module are fine. So flippin' strange.
  15. Cue_547

    Circuit stays powered on after console is shut down with Strand A21 dimmer module

    Finally found out what the problem was. When we pulled the module out the focus button was stuck on. We removed the button and the "click plate" so it would turn off.