Recent content by Gage

  1. Gage

    Control/Dimming iSeries E 96 dimmer rack configuration software

    As of last year I was still getting them from Steve. Make sure you are contacting him directly, the sales email listed below his has been inactive for a long time. I've had no problems with any I've ordered so I really hope he's still converting them.
  2. Gage

    QLab 4 Scripting Control for an Eiki LC-XL100 Projector

    There are also reasonably priced rs232 over IP solutions that you may want to consider.
  3. Gage

    Control/Dimming Colortran Prestige Help

    Though I was not around during the console's heyday I've gotten that sense from a number of colortran products I've interacted with. It is a bit of a shame that they pulled the plug on many of their products a bit too early, I certainly would love to see what they would be doing if they kept up...
  4. Gage

    Control/Dimming Colortran Prestige Help

    This Pi-based model from TexElec is the one I used, but it's based on an open-source project that can be put together for much cheaper (I'm just lazy). I had to fiddle with settings a bit to get proper display, but it was pretty much a plug-and-play experience otherwise. I also have a magical...
  5. Gage


    I believe as long as you have the licensing that comes with the student package, you can output on any art-net/sACN interface as well as the gadget. If I get time I'll pull out an art-net node and verify later. They are shipping the gadget with the student package again as far as I know... I...
  6. Gage

    Control/Dimming Colortran Prestige Help

    Well, I certainly never thought I would be updating this thread... but to my delight (and many people's horror) the Prestige lives! The two internal power supplies needed a partial re-cap, and hobbyist-grade cga/ega adapters finally came down in price enough for me to pull the trigger on one...
  7. Gage

    Strong Electric Corp. Slide Projectors Model 44050-1 and 44050-2

    There's a chain of people here that "want" all of them (or at least did 20 years ago). If they say no I'll be taking all of the issues and slowly digitizing them. Lots of ads and articles that don't seem to be available online in any form.
  8. Gage

    Strong Electric Corp. Slide Projectors Model 44050-1 and 44050-2

    Well... apparently I've had this thread in the back of my mind for a few years now because I was instantly reminded of it when I stumbled across this ad on the back of an early '70s issue of Theatrecraft. Out of the 60 or so issues in this back room dating from the late 60s to early 90s, this is...
  9. Gage

    EDI Scrimmer II dimmer pack repair?

    I've pulled a multi-link card and attached a photo below to possibly make things easier. The cards only have two liquid electrolyte metal cans, used for power filtering, I personally have never seen them go bad but even the newest of these cards are old enough to make it a possibility. The ones...
  10. Gage

    Help with Strand 100 controlling CD80 pack

    Not sure if the cd80 is this way, but ive had other similar packs go into a "test mode" when address 0 is selected.
  11. Gage

    Help with Strand 100 controlling CD80 pack

    Well, the cd80 pack has the dmx light illuminated, so I'm going to assume signal is getting that far. Try setting the "dimmer address select" wheel above the x1 position to 1. With it at zero you are currently looking at a dmx address of zero, which might be a problem.
  12. Gage

    EDI Scrimmer II dimmer pack repair?

    I'm thinking it's very likely that muti link control card will need repair. Out of all 5 scrimmer IIs I have worked on all have had shorted tantalums that have resulted in odd behavior (and in 3 cases some magic smoke). Very similar symptoms to what you describe, most of them wouldn't get...
  13. Gage

    Vintage Lighting 2K Capitol spot project

    I will definitely keep you updated. Some supplies are coming in early next week, then have to unearth the blasting cabinet if I decide starting from bare metal is needed.Heard back from Ohio state, as thought originally none of the catalogs are digitally scanned, however they will scan all...
  14. Gage

    Vintage Lighting 2K Capitol spot project

    Unfortunately, there isn't enough silver paint left inside to clean. The only portion left is where the lamp sled sat when someone hastily brushed the inside with a coat of black, so no chance of saving what silver is there if original. If what was there was serviceable, it would be staying...
  15. Gage

    Vintage Lighting 2K Capitol spot project

    Found link on wiki for the 1937 catalog, which the capitol "NO. 19" is in. Exactly the same specs as the 1950s catalog less the mention of "black wrinkle" finish. Clearer catalog pictures are included. ETA from Ohio state is about 2 weeks, I'll bet good money that this thing is listed in...