Recent content by jglodeklights

  1. J

    Help with light placement

    I need to point out that the way you're rigging this doesn't seem to be how one should go about it. The City Theatrical ML hangers aren't really intended for this application and I'm curious how you're using them/modifying the hardware installation to make it work.ETA: Also, in what way did...
  2. J

    Followspot Seats

    RE: the safety chain- add eyes on the outside of the added legs so you can reattach it. You might need to add some cross bracing on the legs to the original lighting position and/or through bolt flange to the catwalk floor to make it structural enough for this. If you need to fill in the...
  3. J

    Followspot Seats

    One option to help with the main issue which seems to be the position of the fixtures in relation to the operators might be to utilize some pipes and fixed cheeseboros to bring the mounting position back towards the catwalk and a little bit higher? Have two vertical 1-1/2" pipes with a higher...
  4. J

    Control/Dimming Strand SLD96 dimmer problems

    Bummer. SLD racks are the only ones I've ever truly hoped would just catch fire and be shuttled off to the scrap heap.
  5. J

    Submasters changing colour in other Submasters

    This is the way when recording new subs on an Element Classic. Keep in mind, a selective Record will not fully overwrite other information already in the sub, so you need to either start fresh, or first knock out (via @ ENTERing) the unnecessary information. Further explanation of why you...
  6. J

    Control/Dimming Strand SLD96 dimmer problems

    If the recommendations others have put out come up blank I'd look to PARLights in Maryland. They actually handled a few SLD rack installations and repairs in that region and should be familiar with the product. Plus I know the guys there a bit more quietly than others tend to hoard components...
  7. J

    LED ellipsoidal upgrade using existing lens Leviton Leo

    Found an answer on Reddit. Looks like they don't fit into a standard S4 body barrel. Makes sense as the LEO has internal alignment indexes whereas ETC uses the external ones. I doubt any other brand would work with the LEO lenses at this point. Most of the other manufacturers have adopted the...
  8. J

    Digital tool for Beam angles and distance (visual tool)

    There is also BeamWright from John McKernon (maker of Lightwright). It’s not got the best visuals, but it does a reasonable job of showing the information.
  9. J

    Leprecon 1624 LED Problem

    The simplest way to read DMX and also to send diagnostic values (or commands) is a DMX testing device like the DMX Cat, Chauvet RDM2Go, or Swisson. They incorporate the ability to read the DMX timing to various extents as well as values being sent. The DMXCat also has a flicker diagnostic...
  10. J

    Leprecon 1624 LED Problem

    We're kinda blindly playing darts here. The real solution is to begin eliminating individual components one at a time. Yes, probably worthwhile first to add a terminator if there isn't one and make sure you've reset everything on the console, but if that doesn't solve gotta do the...
  11. J

    Leprecon 1624 LED Problem

    Given the fixtures work fine with the other console, we can likely rule out a fixture mode issue. While the 1624 allows for proportional patching, it doesn't seem to allow for any other dimmer modes so if you've reset the patch to 1:1 and this continues to occur on those faders then it is...
  12. J

    Simultaneous cues on ETC Ion running EOS

    Making this an effect if simply fading values over a long time seems to me to introduce an additional level of complexity in dealing with the data for this. Or duplicative data. For example if the cyc levels are fading completely out or to some transitional look that continues into the...
  13. J

    LED Cycs

    How far away are the fixtures going to be mounted from the curtain? Are you planning on lighting from top, bottom, or both? Are you front lighting or backlighting the curtain and if backlit is there a bounce?
  14. J

    Custom Fixture etc ion

    Define "couldn't help"? Also, what fixture is this for?
  15. J

    Custom Fixture etc ion

    Generally, yes if you understand how moving light parameters work at a fundamental level. Again, if you run into issues this is something ETC Technical Support can assist with.