Recent content by Rainmaker

  1. R

    CCTV system rebuild

    Well my wish list is above.Basically the two monitors at the balcony rail and the camera facing the stage can be "permanent". I need the ability to move the camera and the monitor for the conductor because where our orchestra plays is different on a show by show basis.In total: 5 monitors...
  2. R

    CCTV system rebuild

    Sorry for necro posting but this came up in search.I have similar requirements to the above...2 monitors on the balcony rail for performers seeing the conductor run from a camera in the pit. 1 monitor SL and SR for stage management and cast as well as one in the pit for the conductor to see...
  3. R

    Making Hay Bales

    When we've needed them to both be sittable, as well as able to be "thrown" for actor business, I've stacked and glued foam sheets, coated with scenic dope painted a "hay" color and then glued plastic easter grass to it that was spray painted. None of the flammability problems of the real thing
  4. R

    Multiverse transmitter issues

    Well, good news is that I do not have a paperweight.I know most of us are computer savvy but I think it would be helpful to have some reference images because I tried following the instructions and had to try a couple of different IP address/Ethernet port configurations before it finally sent...
  5. R

    Multiverse transmitter issues

    Thanks for all the help. Will be trying tomorrow morning, will report back if it works or if i made a really expensive paperweight
  6. R

    Multiverse transmitter issues

    I've read those instructions but to be clear, I need to connect the transmitter directly to my laptop via Ethernet cable and do the firmware update that way?
  7. R

    Multiverse transmitter issues

    Thanks. Looking at the instructions PDF, it seems relatively straightforward. What is the chance of completely bricking it if I do it wrong? 😅
  8. R

    Multiverse transmitter issues

    Hi allLast season, I bought a shiny new multiverse transmitter and 5 receivers. I have the transmitter connected directly to my Ion Xe running current firmware. The transmitter is on the catwalk and each of my 4 electrics has a receiver. Pipes 1 and 2 are set to universe 2 and 3 and 4 are set...
  9. R

    Painting basketball court

    Normally, no, but this one...the audience just might be looking around 😅
  10. R

    Painting basketball court

    Yeah, I have all the grain tools and unfortunately the entire audience will be looking at it the entire show
  11. R

    Painting basketball court

    Hi all, I'm working on a design currently that calls for a basketball court to be painted on the stage. I'm good with the actual painting techniques but I'm posting in hopes that someone can recommend a technique for lining the floor that doesn't end with me and 5 other people on our hands and...
  12. R

    Wagon brake size?

    I know in the moment it's not funny, but I'm just imagining an Into the Woods with a GIGANTIC milky white who's actuators die and it's just posted up center stage for the next 90 minutes 😂😂
  13. R

    Best material for rear projection

    RP screen from rosebrand or Rosco is the move here. Make your own frame and then stretch the material across. For rear projection, black is the best, but you need to check your sightlines. there's pretty dramatic fall off with the black if you're outside the optimal viewing cone. Gray is the...
  14. R

    Wagon brake size?

    I've tried wagon brakes so many times and I've been disappointed my entire career.I opt for barrel/drop bolts of the smallest diameter I can justify for the piece. Drill a hole 1/8" larger than the bolt and then replace with a dowel rod, glue, trim, and sand after the show is over. I know not...
  15. R

    Painting the stage floor- What sealant would you put on top?

    The best primer is Rosco Tough much so I'd almost tell you it's worth it to try and get a theatrical supplier on your approved vendors list.Barring that, most any water based primer will do the trick. They're designed to cling into surfaces and give your black top coat a better...