Recent content by justjasen72

  1. justjasen72

    How important was your college degree to your career path?

    I started out in college as an actor, and to make ends meet, I worked in the costume shop. I realized that I enjoyed costume design more than acting, and I had a natural talent for it. I only have my BA, and I am currently the Resident Costume Designer for a small theatre, I would not have...
  2. justjasen72

    Looking for a Centaur Costume for Xanadu

    I took pictures of it in process, I am working on putting all of the instructions together as well. I am not an engineer, so this is pretty basic. If anyone has better ideas on the structure or on how to make the legs and tail move let me know.
  3. justjasen72

    Hey There from Mobile, AL

    Greetings. I am an Alabama Boy, Myself. I now live in Ohio, have done for 12 years now. I am a costume Designer at a small theatre. I am from Montgomery. Have a good day.
  4. justjasen72

    The Giver - Snow

    Can you Project the set with a projector? Then change the shot to an out door image of snow. Then the actor can just act that he is covered in snow. Sometimes letting the audience imagine the snow is better than having actual snow.
  5. justjasen72

    Looking for a Centaur Costume for Xanadu

    Thanks. Our show opened 2 weeks ago. I was running out of time so I made one.
  6. justjasen72

    Onstage costume change

    Zac, when I designed the show, the witch had a dress that closed up the front with large whopper poppers, the cape was attached to the dress at the shoulders. The hood of the cape was attached to a wig front, and the wig front was attached to a latex prosthetic mask. The actress had a large...
  7. justjasen72

    Looking for a Centaur Costume for Xanadu

    Thank you. I called them already, they only rent the Centaur if you rent the entire show.
  8. justjasen72

    pancake on shirt collars

    I usually use dawn dish detergent on make-up. I pour a little dawn on the collar and then warm to Hot water and scrub it out. It works great on any of the oil based make-ups. I am not sure if this will get the make up out if the shirt has been thrown in the dryer and baked in. Good luck!
  9. justjasen72

    Seam allowance

    Currently I use 1/2 in all of my construction. When I designed for the Ohio Light Opera, we used 1" on the sides and shoulders, to make it easier to alter the next time we used the costumes. I never had a problem with the 1" as a rule, I guess the "Bulk" is dependent on the fabric used in the...
  10. justjasen72

    setting up a costume shop

    I have just bought an industrial Gravity Feed Iron from Wawak in Atlanta. The entire Set up was $109.00, and will last you many, many years. They also have foam dress forms for $139.00. I would look for a sewing machine at your local goodwill or at yard sales. Take it to your local sewing...
  11. justjasen72

    Applying make-up

    I make a halo out of thin elastic and attach the mic to it. Then the halo slides on the actors head and I cover the elastic with the actors hair, it disappears completely. I place the mic head over the ear, and it is safe and sound. I have added a few bobby pins to help it not slide.
  12. justjasen72

    How are the Sets for these musicals

    Honk is a nice show, with a great message on Bullying. We did it with one set, and a few pieces that rolled on in front of the curtain.Seussical is similar that you can do it with one set and a few pieces in front of the curtain. This is a great show for High schoolers, it is family friendly...
  13. justjasen72

    Looking for a Centaur Costume for Xanadu

    I am having trouble finding a rental of this costume. I had a few leads that fell through. Can any one help. I need it pretty quickly. We Open September 5th in Akron, Ohio. Thanks
  14. justjasen72

    Joseph and ... dreamcoat

    what kinds of things are you looking for? The theatre I work at does Joseph every year. I made my patterns based on my renderings. I could help point you in the right direction.
  15. justjasen72

    Honk Jr.

    I just finished a production of this show. We had snow dancers in white robes and white umbrellas the umbrellas covered the actors. We had 3 golf sized umbrellas on each character. We did not cover Ida.