Recent content by TheLightmaster

  1. TheLightmaster

    Automated Fixtures Moving lights advice

    you mentioned wanting flashy stuff for DJs and live music; keep in mind busking movers on an Element is not the most intuitive. You can set up magic sheets and do some careful programming of macros and presets, but a different solution could be Martin's M-Touch with M-PC. More features than...
  2. TheLightmaster

    Conventional Fixtures Source Four (Ellipsoidal) and Barn Doors?

    What frost do you currently have in? I find R132 to be perfect for these kinds of situations.
  3. TheLightmaster

    Lighting fixture truss/pipe clamps- your favorites?

    I am a fan of Light Source trigger clamps on everything except lightweight movers such as Auras (fixtures you can easily hold by the top of the yoke), where I prefer a half cheese.
  4. TheLightmaster

    Washing a CYC

    I have had luck with using two colorblasts to crosslight a similarily sized (bigger, actually) cyc. that's a solution for around $1k. At that budget I don't think you're gonna get a nice traditionally lit cyc if you go with LED.
  5. TheLightmaster

    Massive Renovation!

    Other than throw distance and size of the unit, no other concerns. They are nifty fixtures :)
  6. TheLightmaster

    Massive Renovation!

    Which venue is this? I wouldn't recommend some of your mover choices (MAC Quantum, Clay Paky lamped movers) for a 14' trim height. If you have the budget, I would go LED for movers in that size of space. Also consider ColorForce 48 instead of 12. You would need fewer of them (less cable; less...
  7. TheLightmaster

    the dark side of entertainment

    This thread is cathartic, and I am glad that this is being discussed. Another point to make is that for some people, technical theatre is a way of coping with mental illness. Working together to create a transcendental experience can bring relief to someone who otherwise feels isolated and...
  8. TheLightmaster

    Grand MA 2 ?

    Select the fixtures. "Thru Thru Please" is one of the fastest way. Then do "At (whatever cue you want to capture) Please" make your modifications and then store.
  9. TheLightmaster

    Recommendations for Jazz Show?

    lay off on the chases for the most part. Focus on texture, and creating different effects with light from different angles. Adding some gobos from the side and back is definitely a good idea, and can add intrigue, texture, and even movement (as performers walk through it). If you do use chases...
  10. TheLightmaster

    Design Macbeth Color Choices

    Try R50 from the top if the floor is dark.
  11. TheLightmaster

    Transitioning back into Lighting?

    THIS is very important to keep in mind. Even if the producer says that there will be electricians, chances are they will be swung over to some other department. Don't go assuming you will be doing only what you have been asked to do. If long hours with no pay doing lighting design AND...
  12. TheLightmaster

    Need Urgent Help!!!

    I've heard it said that the best touring LDs can sit down and look at a venue punt page for 30mins, make minimal changes, and come back and run the show beautifully. This is a learning opportunity. However, I do understand the problem you may encounter with playback. Is there a fader wing...
  13. TheLightmaster

    Spring-Driven Socapex Cable Reels

    Are chainfalls or (better) motors out of the question? Seems like a cable pick is a much better solution. If a row are hung motor up, you can bring in the chain and attach whatever loom the show needs.
  14. TheLightmaster

    DMX Question

    Ok. How I like things addressed is such: All dimmers come first. Whether that be 50 addresses or 700, they always occupy the lowest addresses. I then determine which electrics will be on which universes. I prefer to send only one DMX home run unless the number of fixtures on the pipe exceeds 32...
  15. TheLightmaster

    rosco gel color combinations?

    Saturated colors are for the most part not that useful to have as a front wash. They come in handy for dance and special effects, but it is better to have warm, cool, and lavender or pink washes in front for most events. From what I understand, you have groups of two ellipsoidals focused on 4...