Tips and Tricks of Set Construction


I thought we could post those little things that make life sooooo much easier during set construction (and/or repair).

I'll start:

To make a complicated situation simple, I needed to hang some PVC pipe from some 4 x 8. It was for fog dispersion (fog goes in end, comes out holes drilled in pipe), so there wasn't going to be any pressure on it other than its own weight. *Disclaimer: Said 4x8 was part of the back of a set piece, and the pipe was to be suspended about 4 inches off of the ground so that fog could flow out underneath the set piece.* The 4x8 was in such a position that I couldn't use the standard mounting brackets (partially because it had to be below the 4x8, and able to swing slightly). So, my solution was as follows. I took some gaff tape, ripped a length that was slightly over twice the length I needed the pipe to hang, folded it around the pipe, and taped it to itself (if that makes any sense), making a sort of cradle. Then, I staple-gunned (the spring-loaded, not pneumatic) the gaff tape to the 4x8. Made things so much easier. Plus, now I'm addicted to hanging things that aren't load-bearing with gaff tape and a staple gun.

What's your coolest time-and-energy saving solution?
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sounds neat, but I wouldn't trust the strength of gaff tape. You'd do a lot better with plumbers tape.
A better alternative to thise would be to use webbing material (such as that used by rock climbers). Bit stonger than tape! :mrgreen:
Yup, tape is great for the no other thing available, gotta do it now solution, but yea, plumbers tape is better.
However something gaffers tape IS great for, and done all the time: "Paint in roll form." How many times have you covered a 2x4 or something else with black gaffers tape to make it invisible?

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