Recent content by Aeronaut

  1. Aeronaut

    Popular/Common Gel colors

    In working with high school and community theatre, I have a stock set that are my "go tos" in terms of general washes. We don't have enough fixtures to do a warm and a cool wash (unless we make a specific choice to do so) so we always go with a "gen wash" that is warm. I only use Rosco (learned...
  2. Aeronaut

    Howdy..I just joined this..

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to reading through this site and learning lots. If I can be of help to anyone, please feel free to ask. Vicki (aka Aeronaut) 8)
  3. Aeronaut

    Howdy..I just joined this..

    Just wanted to say hello and I look forward to learning lots from this site. I just joined. A little bit about myself. I've been involved in Community Theatre for about 12 years doing lights, sound, props, AD, Stage Managing, set construction and anything else I can't think of. I've been a...