Recent content by AyCee

  1. AyCee

    Panels flying in and out individually on same flybar?

    Hi everyone, I have a set which comprise of 9 fabric panels which ideally should be aligned in a line horizontally, and grouped into 3 groups, so that these fabric panels can have different levels for different scenes.My initial idea was to have the panels of each group tied to one batten, and...
  2. AyCee

    Casting gobo onto black scrim without revealing actors behind?

    Hi everyone, thanks for the inputs!To answer the various questions above, I only have a platform running across the stage from wing to wing of which the actor will be standing on during the reveal and then walking downstage of it after the scrim flies out. Behind the platform is a painted...
  3. AyCee

    Casting gobo onto black scrim without revealing actors behind?

    I am working on a show which I intend to create an effect of revealing an actor from behind a black scrim, but at the same time I wanted to cast a gobo effect onto the same scrim before the reveal. However, the gobo artwork is that of a statue figure, so the light source for this gobo would most...
  4. AyCee

    Black water that doesn't stain?

    I'm currently working on a production whereby my director wants to have a pool of black water in the center of the black box. While the pool has been settled, how to have black water that doesn't stain the actors' costumes remains a question. Does anyone have any tips on making black (or...
  5. AyCee

    High fog for theatre?

    Hi silicsound and ruinexplorer. Thanks for the replies. I am actually trying to build an Asian cosmic model of the Earth on stage, and I need to represent the elements of wind (air), water, earth and fire. I have all other elements represented already, and this cloud effect is something that...
  6. AyCee

    High fog for theatre?

    Hi guys, I am just thinking out loud, so pardon me if I sound silly. heh... I am currently thinking of simulating clouds on stage, but not those kind of low-lying fog on the stage deck, but "clouds" that are floating overhead, so that the stage is literally like a scald down Earth. I know for...
  7. AyCee

    Help needed on flats

    I second to that! :lol: Don't supposed it's a kids' show? You'd scare the kids! Haha!
  8. AyCee

    Help needed on flats

    I've not tried on that, but will it be very flimsy? Actually I have no idea about this technique, as I only know how to design, but not really well-versed in the technical aspects of stage design. Also, this production is supposed to be staged overseas, so most likely we'll not be making the...
  9. AyCee

    "Hi" from Sunny Singapore

    Huh? Why would people think you're a loser? Anyway, there isn't really much to talk about Singapore; it's just a small little island-country on the Equator! (Or perhaps I don't know what can I say about Singapore. Hee...) :oops:
  10. AyCee

    "Hi" from Sunny Singapore

    Thanks for your warning, but I AM already into the technical side already! Hahahaha... Our troupe is a small amateur one, so many of our crew have to assume multiple roles, even though we might not be even familiar with our secondary roles. In short, our troupe is like a sugarcane juice...
  11. AyCee

    Help needed on flats

    Do you mean have the flats just as tall as where the "edge" of the lights? So basically if I just light up the lower half of the stage, I can just make these flats at just slightly over 5m? That sounds good to me! :grin:
  12. AyCee

    Help needed on flats

    Wow... so many replies! :grin: Ok to clear some airs.. Actually I do think that 10m tall sounds a bit too weird. I chose this height because the proscenium opening is 9.8m, and since these flats are used to represent walls and pillars of houses, I thought it might be better if it is as tall...
  13. AyCee

    Help needed on flats

    I'm sort of new to scenery design, so I hope someone will be able to help me with such issues! :) I've attached a 3D rendering of a scene from my production, and in this scene, I've designed 6 - 8 flats (on wheels) to be set around the stage. These flats are about 10m tall and 1.5m wide. Is...
  14. AyCee

    "Hi" from Sunny Singapore

    Well I've joined here for 2 months already, so think I'd better introduce myself first! Heh.. I'm 28 years old from Singapore. I'm actually not a technical crew, and have not much technical knowledge. I'm a Chinese opera actor by hobby, and have to double-up as scenographer, and at times...