Recent content by brendonb11

  1. B

    Pocket Console?

    I've been meaning to buy one for a few weeks now. I use them all the time to "ring out" parts of the rig before they fly. Most of the time the foh snake isn't run (yet), so this little guy is great. Plug in, make em wiggle, and fly away. Done. However the website [dmx2go] has been down for...
  2. B

    striking intels

    What units draw 50 amps on strike?! WOW! They must be bright! I want them on my next show.
  3. B

    Broadway: Cues called or show control?

    Most broadway shows use two programmers (one conventionals & one movers) for tech and one "monkey" for daily goes. The boards are linked IF two separate boards are used. I've seen two grandMA's used for programming like ,the Madonna tour, then one goes on the road with 4 NSP's.It all boils...
  4. B

    careers in lighting

    Going back to the beginning of the post by raeraeiam, BA or BFA? I think it depends what you plan to do after school. If you want to teach you'll need a MFA so it won't matter if you have a ba or bfa. Ultimately, employers only look at your most recent degree- no matter what field you're in...
  5. B

    Opening Night Crisis

    It's a shame that the only time "kids" come to theatre is because a class forces them to. They don't know what they have until they lose it. Culture :-(