Recent content by CashewsInMyDimmers

  1. CashewsInMyDimmers

    Oakland "Nightclub" Fire

    This should be on a flag.I agree with something that Bill Said earlier about how this will bring emergency code and enforcement changes, but I also agree with something that someone else said,These types of events might happen because people are purposefully trying to create a sense of...
  2. CashewsInMyDimmers

    ANSI performer flying standard

    Actually Bill, I do agree that that will happen. It already does, and if some fast talking yahoo is smart enough to find this document they will probably use it to embolden themselves even more. It does and will continue to happen and it should not.I liked what you said about regulatory...
  3. CashewsInMyDimmers

    ANSI performer flying standard

    EDIT: I'll include the post that this was in reply to by quoting but will not include the author since they deleted their original post for a reason. I just want this to make sense.I mostly added the line you quoted to make sure people understood that I am still in favor of professional...
  4. CashewsInMyDimmers

    ANSI performer flying standard

    Does this mean that you are also arguing that this standard is insufficient for insuring safety? If someone does follow this standard exactly would the performer be at more risk than if they had hired a professional company that also followed this standard exactly?This is a different question...
  5. CashewsInMyDimmers

    Architectural lighting

    I'm not actually aware of any competing products, but my knowledge about such things can be a little limited.
  6. CashewsInMyDimmers

    Alright.... I'll bite ETC....

    Also RJ45 connectors are very cheap if you wanted to retrofit your rep plot but didn't want to buy a whole bunch of new cables / connectors. think it would cost roughly half as much to build cables out of Cat 5 + RJ45 as it would to...