Recent content by cbarrett92

  1. C

    Graphic, Parametric, or Feedback Buster?

    I agree with the 31 band. I've never been completely satisfied with the automatic feedback destroyers I've seen in use over the years.But maybe I'm just missing the magic make/model...
  2. C

    HELP: Soundcraft Si Compact ViSi iPad remote Setup

    I would also go with a static IP, but in the interest of getting things working for the OP, I suggested DCHP simply to try and get everything working.@THORNSZ Did you contact Soundcraft support? They are generally pretty helpful over the phone
  3. C

    HELP: Soundcraft Si Compact ViSi iPad remote Setup

    I'm not sure how it works on the Si, but on the Vi1 you also had to make sure the HiQnet is set to DHCP (this allows it to receive an IP address from the router). I think it defaults to static...Also look here:
  4. C

    HELP: Soundcraft Si Compact ViSi iPad remote Setup

    This. When we got our Vi1, I did not realize we had to actually enable this feature on each show file. After turning on HiQnet, it was basically plug and play.It does not matter if you use a 2.4 GHz or 5.0 GHz router. Considering you won't really be sending much data across the link, any...
  5. C

    What lamp is this???

    You are correct. We did use 1000W lamps, so they must have been the 75Q or 175Q. We took them down a couple of years ago to standardize our lamp inventory to HPL 575/750, and that was when I first started there...I am always impressed by the wealth of knowledge on this forum.
  6. C

    What lamp is this???

    Ah, I have a stock of these at work. Let me have one of the guys grab the Osram part number tomorrow.We used to use these in some Altman Fersnels, possibly the Altman 165Q?Edit: I'm pretty sure it's replacement is the OSRAM 54690 as mentioned above.
  7. C

    Labeling 3 pin and mic cable

    If they are Neutrik ends, how about something like these?'t require any un soldering. Just screwing and unscrewing the shell. You would have to get the type that fits your series connector though (x,xx,etc.)
  8. C

    Building/buying rack faceplates for punch outs

    I hope this doesn't violate the TOS (If it does, I sincerely apologize!), but here is company I have had good dealings with. Redco Audio has an easy to use panel designer and they really do good work. you have any questions contact Chris...
  9. C

    Automated Fixtures Clay Paky Pin Scan

    Hi guys,I'm looking for any information on mounts for a Clay Paky Pin Scan that I recently came into possession of. Particularly a mount that would allow me to mount it to a pipe, truss, etc.Does anyone know of an off the self solution? (I know the fixture is quite outdated)Were these ever...
  10. C

    [Help needed!] Camera Relay Software

    I agree. After version 3, (when they added windows support at the release of v4?) it seemed to go downhill. We are still running 4 at the place I work.Hmmm... Had not read that on the ProPresnter website before, very interesting. I guess I take back using it if even the developers don't advise...
  11. C

    [Help needed!] Camera Relay Software

    ProPresenter would work well here. Plus they have a full featured demo availible to make sure you like/it works before you buy. The demo only puts a watermark on the output.It's worth trying out.
  12. C

    Moving Truss Over Audience

    Hi all,I am asking for an opinion on how safe you think the following incident was. I was always taught that when a truss is moving (or line set for that matter) that no one is to be under it.At my college our arena has truss flown in a circle all the way around the arena and about halfway...