Recent content by ChrisButterworth

  1. C

    Microphones Pan mics during shows...

    Is it worth during a musical to pan the microphones of the principals depending on where they are stood on stage, or is this unnecessary effort? Cheers :)
  2. C

    Microphones Weak Chorus... What To Do????

    They would be set up just behind the pros-arch, DSL, DSC and DSR DSL & DSR would be 7/8 foot in the air and DSC around 9/10 foot... If I hang the other 2, they would be hung on a bar CSL and CSR at the same hight...
  3. C

    Microphones Weak Chorus... What To Do????

    The set is made up almost entirely of trucks, thats the only trouble :S Thanks :)
  4. C

    Microphones Weak Chorus... What To Do????

    Yeah, I call shotgun mics 'Rifle mics'... What do you think is best positioning for the Pro45's?Cheers :)
  5. C

    Microphones Weak Chorus... What To Do????

    I'm currently in the rehearsal stage for a musical in June... The principals I have to work with are mostly fantastic, strong and clear voices, not much work for the wireless mics there - however - I do have one rather BIG problem... the chorus! It doesn't matter how much the MD tries to...
  6. C

    Heya!!!! Up-Coming Show and STUCK!!!!

    HEY! I'm an A-Level Sound and Lighting designer. I'm now on my 15th Show and have come across an issue i've never needed to know before. The MD for the show (OLIVER!) Has requested a video relay between him and the stage. My question is 'how big does the screen need to be?' and 'where should i...