Recent content by dsm

  1. D

    TD helping out

    The op should be opping. If there's something the op could be doing better, and the TD knows how to improve, they can tell the OP. Just reaching over and changing something is rude and can get in the way. Only if the op is really screwing up, and the TD is fixing it (like the OP killed the...
  2. D

    Com-system commentary/ What did you talk about?

    What happens on coms stays on coms. If it's getting recorded you wouldn't have the same conversations. As for conversations I've had...depends on what I'm doing. When I'm filming a show it's all business, too busy calling shots/listening to calls the entire show to do anything. An amateur...
  3. D

    Very Simple Flash Animation Help

    You should be able to set up a simple onClick and/or onKeyPress event which plays the movie. I don't know actionscript specifically, but it should have an option, probably called something very similar to that. As regards full screening it, you should be able to use displayState =...
  4. D

    Warning: Science Content!

    It is more difficult to find regular incandescent domestic lighting though. Last time I was at a supermarket looking for some incandescent lights, since I've got some dimmer switches in my house, they didn't have any incandescents that weren't spot lights.
  5. D

    Stage Cannon

    Fair enough.
  6. D

    Cirque Du Soleil Internships available!

    Unfortunately, I don't actually live in the US, and I doubt I could get credit towards my physics degree for it, so I'll probably have to wait. They do sound like a good place to work though.
  7. D

    Cirque Du Soleil Internships available!

    In the first part of your post you sound as if techs stay around for a while, but then later your comment about a low recidivism rate makes it sound like people only rarely come back for another show. is confused.
  8. D

    Cirque Du Soleil Internships available!

    Something I'd be interested about is how long most of the crew actually stay on for. From what I've heard from circus performer friends they go through performers at a fair rate as most only hang around for a season/tour, then leave to go elsewhere. I'd be curious if it's similar with their...
  9. D

    Stage Cannon

    May I ask how come? I get that telling people how to rig pyrotechnics or the like is a bad idea, but product details? Unless it violates the magical secrecy thing, but that wouldn't really make it a forbidden topic really.
  10. D


    From the linked article: Taken out of context, but still rather amusing, and probably not encouraging. It's a good article.
  11. D

    It really wasn't my fault!

    Had a show recently. Show finished, house lights back up...but they didn't. Someone had knocked out the cable to the house lights or something. I'm sitting there at the lighting desk with all the audience filing past me on the way out in darkness. Another show I was involved in (filming, not...
  12. D


    Just the one sidelight for Jewel Box?
  13. D

    presidential seal

    Around the time of the first world war was when it switched direction I think, though there was another change around WWII, but I can't remember what the change actually was.
  14. D

    Hello people

    Hey, just saying hello to people like the message told me to. I'm a lighting and video guy, mainly involved in amateur productions, but looking to do and learn some more lighting stuff, and live down under in Australia.