Recent content by IrishTechnicalManager

  1. IrishTechnicalManager

    9 To 5 - Paper Spitting Xerox

    Yep, I agree with above, the RC car is the way to go. I did it for the Irish Amateur Premiere of 9to5 in 2016.I didn't put the car upside down though - and we sanded the wheels to rough them up and allow for a better bite on the paper. The front of the car was cable tied to the copier. The...
  2. IrishTechnicalManager

    Neo vs Ion

    Stay Away. It was the last significant purchase made by my predecessor and its turned out to be a pretty horrid decision. I'm in a medium sized regional venue in Ireland. We do a mixture of Theatre, Music, Comedy & Conference. For every 10 theatre shows that come through the door, 9 of them will...