Recent content by keywest1226

  1. K

    1984 Original Strand Mini Light Palette

    Wow, well Thank you guys that has been a lot of really good information for me. If you guys still want to keep posting and talking about this stuff, I would love to read it. I've become pretty fascinated with this older technology and where it came from through my adventures with these two...
  2. K

    1984 Original Strand Mini Light Palette

    Got, it. Thank you guys.Umm, I do have one last question but it would cause someone to be very familiar with the inner workings of the original MLP. In the power source there is a circuit board that is made by Condor and it is a DC converter I think. The actual model number of the part is VGA...
  3. K

    1984 Original Strand Mini Light Palette

    I'm assuming that PRG stands for Production Resource Group? And if I'm correct then is it the office in Secaucus NJ that I would want to contact? Is Production Arts not around anymore? Also, what was BASH, ive never heard of that before, and what is the V6-E that jstandfast mentioned earlier...
  4. K

    1984 Original Strand Mini Light Palette

    Hey everyone, I have been working on two original Strand Mini Light Palettes for about a year now as part of an independent study for my undergrad. One of them I have in perfect working condition and the other one I'm still fighting with the power supply on it. I'm about to graduate and the...