Recent content by Moose

  1. M

    Painting help? suggestions....

    I would have to say ask the set designer. But if you don't, or you set designer is like the designer at my high schools and says "try something that you think will work and I'll let you know and help you out" then it's not so easy. You can make wood grain pop, it's not impossible at least from...
  2. M

    New Girl.

    How many drummers does it take to change a light bulb? 10, one to hold the light bulb in the socket and the other nine to drink until the room spins. Poor drummers always seem to be the butt of every joke...
  3. M

    New Girl.

    I play Viola too and that is one of my favorite. Really, I play too many instruments for my own. Here's another What did the drummer get on his IQ test? Drool.
  4. M

    New Girl.

    I used to make my own reeds at that age too. Oh man, that was fun. I still have some of my reeds and I haven't played oboe in almost 2 years. And just for humor, here's two of my favorite oboe jokes How do you define a minor second? Two oboes playing in unison. How do you tune two oboes...
  5. M

    Beauty and the Beast Spinning thing.

    the actor that played our Maurice actually built his own invention that he could actually drive. It was really nice and it was cool to see him put all that time and energy into it. My lighting designer managed to pull off making his own rose with a petals that fell when someone under the west...
  6. M

    Whos burned them sleves on a light

    I've got a triangular burn on my arm from the first time I ever focused a light. My friend, the lighting designer, decided not to tell me the glorious wonders of wearing GLOVES. It's a good memory when I look back though...
  7. M

    Beauty and the Beast Spinning thing.

    Yeah, I know I'm not bound by Disney. Even if I am, They're welcome to come get me and take me away. I don't know how they did it on Broadway, but this is how we did it. We had a fake beast also, and he was the one who got stabbed and all and then he would stumble back into the west wing...
  8. M

    Little Shop of Horrors

    My high school is doing Little Shop of Horrors this year too! We're not using a turn table though. We're having the main set being built about 16 feet back from the plaster line and that's going to be the inside of the flower shop. Then we'll have a traveller close in front of that and have...
  9. M

    New Girl.

    Actually, I'm doing color guard! I did color guard in high school and when my instructor told me about Brigs (cause she works with them too) I just couldn't resist. Do you march DCA/DCI?
  10. M

    New Girl.

    Well, I got it when i was in 8th grade, it's got two sources. One is because my first instrument was the oboe and it sounds like a dying moose if you can't play it right. The other is because I eat like a moose, and someone manage to not gain weight. I'm sure it will all catch up to me in my 40's.
  11. M

    New Girl.

    My name is Sarah, or my longstanding nickname of Moose. I'm an 18 year old scene designer. I worked in my high school for the past 3 years and went to North Carolina School of the Arts for the past fall term before I had to transfer out for personal and financial reasons. So now I'm living in...