Recent content by nate15810

  1. nate15810

    PC Interface?

    I want to control it from my computer so i didn't need to slide a large amount of sliders and miss a couple. I want to directly control the show from my PC...moving multiple sliders at the same time without missing any.
  2. nate15810

    PC Interface?

    thanks. i needed some way of controlling it directly from my pc because it's a play and all, but i guess it'll be a little easier to control it. don't want to screw anything up by missing a slide
  3. nate15810

    PC Interface?

    Does anybody know if there is a PC Interface that i could use for my laptop for the Innovator 24/48 Colortran at my school? It would be A LOT easier on myself, as well as the other people on lighting duty...