Recent content by Quentin (Cue)

  1. Quentin (Cue)

    Work from home resources

    For lighting, ETC is offering free online courses through May! All you need is an ETC account, and a will to learn!!
  2. Quentin (Cue)

    Well... there it is.

    Oh wow...I kinda saw this coming with the theater industry. A couple of my places that I work at are already closing down for X amount of time, so I'm kind of panicking about my upcoming work situation right now.
  3. Quentin (Cue)

    Essential things to know when starting out in lighting

    Oh hey, wow! Seems I got a lot of responses that for some reason CB didn't notify me via email about.Thank you to each and every one of you thus far who took the time to share your advice!! All of it is truly helpful, and I appreciate it!
  4. Quentin (Cue)

    Essential things to know when starting out in lighting

    Ha, ha, yeah, that is essential! I'll usually have at least one actor/actress per production tell me "I need you to make me look good so make sure no one can see my wrinkles."
  5. Quentin (Cue)

    Essential things to know when starting out in lighting

    Ooooo, thanks! I especially like that tip for the designers!
  6. Quentin (Cue)

    Essential things to know when starting out in lighting

    This list is quite helpful! I actually printed it up and taped it up to my door because there are some amusing tips in here that made me laugh! Thanks so much!
  7. Quentin (Cue)

    Essential things to know when starting out in lighting

    Hey friends!So I've taken on a couple of high school interns for our community theater and I'm training them in the world of lighting. I was curious about what some you think is essential that every theater lighting electrician, designer, crew member should know, no matter how obvious. I.E...
  8. Quentin (Cue)

    Calling Cues. Traditionally the Stage Manager, but if a show is complex can someone else do it?

    I believe it is the Stage Manager who should be calling cues.However, I work at a community theater where sadly our lighting and sound folks don't have the luxury of having cues called for them, and they have to call the cue themselves. Our "booth" is a small open space in the back of the...
  9. Quentin (Cue)

    Projector recommendations

    @RonHebbard @ruinexplorer Thanks for the info guys, these are things I shall keep in mind.I spoke with the woman today and gave her the suggestion of contacting the theater and seeing what they use. She got back to me and told me they apparently rent their equipment and don't actually have the...
  10. Quentin (Cue)

    Projector recommendations

    I apologize for not including this information in the original post, as I don't know. It was not information she provided nor did I think to ask. The scrim she is projecting onto is black. From what I understand is that she plans on using two projectors. The theater she is performing in will be...
  11. Quentin (Cue)

    Projector recommendations

    I too forgot to include the scrim she will be projecting on is black. I apologize for not including that information before.The purpose of this projector is either to be projected from the front or the back. I'm afraid I don't know where she is having it hung or placed. From what I understand...
  12. Quentin (Cue)

    Projector recommendations

    What she will be projecting is a a video that looks like it was made in MS paint..That's not meant to be a stab at the quality of the video, just how I can best describe it. As for lighting, I'm not certain. She's previewing this show at one location, and no projections will be used. The main...
  13. Quentin (Cue)

    Projector recommendations

    Greetings everyone,I hope this isn't stupid for me to post, but I am looking for some recommendations for a projector to buy. The women I'm working for has asked me to find something that will shoot on a scrim that is 15'X15'. Ideally, she wants it to cover the whole width and length. I asked...
  14. Quentin (Cue)

    Why is lighting so less popular than sound?

    I've always found lighting easier than sound. The first lighting board I ever worked on was an ETA-1200 two scene pre-set controller which I felt was a good way to start learning how to use lighting controllers, (It's also the first controller I teach the interns I train at my local theater how...