Recent content by rcgtheater

  1. rcgtheater

    Self Locking, Movable Stair Unit

    I need to build a stair unit that will be 4' Tall, 4' Wide, and 8' Long. Thats the easy part. It needs to move, and it needs to be enclosed on all sides. I need to make sure that it won't move when my actors are on it. I am thinking of some kind of weight sensitive mechanism that will allow...
  2. rcgtheater

    Salutations from Lower Slower Delaware

    HOWDY! RoseColored Glasses is a new community theater company in Sussex County, Delaware. Wish us luck.... we'll need it!Please visit our site at
  3. rcgtheater

    how do i hide mics on naked people?

    I ran across this question in another board. It was solved by the hat idea. the mic was attached to the brim of the hat, and the pack was put in the actual hat, sewn in, etc. the only time they aren't singing will be when the hats are down covering their 'good parts'