Recent content by RiskyWaves

  1. R

    VW 11.5 Beam Rendering

    Thanks that makes since. Is it possible to transfer my file from VW into one of those programs? What I'm still confused on is what is the process between hanging the light and getting it to throw light on the stage? My process is as of right now inserting gobo projectors, and then erasing them...
  2. R

    VW 11.5 Beam Rendering

    Thanks for the reply. I have render works and all of that..... but so far I can only get it to work if i make it a Gobo projection first and then erase the gobo? Thanks, Josh
  3. R

    VW 11.5 Beam Rendering

    I have cussed discussed and read the manuals, and can not figure out how to make my beam projections project in color, and intensity. Can someone please tell me what the thing is I'm missing.... I have an entire Black Box Theatre with a grid set as a lighting position. All along the grid I have...
  4. R

    Vector Works or WYSIWYG

    is there a student priced version of WW?
  5. R

    Vector Works or WYSIWYG

    thanks so much, I just bought it!
  6. R

    Vector Works or WYSIWYG

    (ps) dont try and download it off of limewire........ its a trojan horse.
  7. R

    Vector Works or WYSIWYG

    I cannot find a student package for VW that includes spotlight for $300 anywhere.
  8. R

    Vector Works or WYSIWYG

    where did yall find these prices?
  9. R

    Red hot poker, and cell phone rings

    Yeah I figured the whole actually using a cell phone thing would not work. Thanks for the advice I will be using it. Thanks for the idea of the poker. Yes it has to be seen in the light, but we might be able to work something out. Where can I just buy a single led light? Better yet where can I...
  10. R

    Red hot poker, and cell phone rings

    We are doing Edward the 2nd Modernized, and somehow I have to show that a fire poker is red hot (during a black out), and I have to have cell phone rings on stage. Any one have any ideas? Is there any software for cell phones you can download? Im not so sure the actors will be able to scroll...
  11. R

    TETA Laptop Software

    Thanks again for making this such an informative topic. I think I' just going to try and get some equiptment form my future director, when I get there. thanks, Josh
  12. R

    TETA Laptop Software

    Thanks for all the replies! This has to be a personal record or something! Hmmm well I really don't have that kind of money to drop into anything. I think I will just go traditional this time around. It doesnt seem that I have to many other options. Besides I just learned that one of the shows...
  13. R

    Howdy Yall from Texas!!!

    Dang yall are a cool bunch of guys. I think I just found me a new homepage! Man there are jetski finatics that jetski worldwide year round! Heres a list jsut form my racing group: IJSBA International Affiliates These affiliates are part of the IJSBA and all of its activities. For...
  14. R

    TETA Laptop Software

    Heres the deal, I just bought a brand new laptotp for the purpose of controling conventional lights in multiple theaters as my company travels for the sake of competition and such. We have TETA coming up in 2 weeks, and there will be a director there that I want to get in good with. Kelly Russel...
  15. R

    Howdy Yall from Texas!!!

    Man this is awsome! A website full of people like me. Well I'm from Texas and I am a Techy extreme/pro jetski racer ((2004 novice national champion)I got screwed over at world finals) I don't really know what I'm doing. I just try and use the most modern technology to do it. I do...