Recent content by SamP

  1. SamP

    LED worklight?

    This might not make sense for everyone, but depending on what your work light scenario is. I have seen people use the Chauvet Dotz Flood with blue gel on it for the side lights and over the stage just having them hung. They do take up circuits and DMX but if you put them on a small board drawing...
  2. SamP

    Paper Cutter for Gel

    I really like using the Guillotine type cutters. I have tapped out the sizes of Gel that I need to cut (Source Four, Fresnel, and Cyc). I bought one for my department recently that we have gotten to work well.
  3. SamP

    Putting A Face To The Name

  4. SamP

    Removing Duck Tape off of lighting cables

    Depending on how long the duct tape was on the caples you could use a household product called goo-gone, but that is only if it were on there for a few weeks. Beyond that I would recomend air drying the cables and using a pallette knife to get off the bad resedue depending on how thick the cable is.