Recent content by Tank

  1. Tank

    Control/Dimming Idiots Guide anyone? - NSI mlc 16 desk

    Hey guys! It's been ages since i've visited (and also done anything techie at all... cure being sick for several years). I've essentially been away from theatre and clubs and lighting for 3 years. I've had a friend call me and needs an emerency operator for a ball on monday night (currently...
  2. Tank

    Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

    why not, though i suspect my 'high school shows' will pale in comparison to the fantastic ones that seem to be coming from the us.. from oldest to newest; This is shakespears 'Much Ado About Nothing' Year 11 for me...
  3. Tank

    Putting A Face To The Name

    haha, well, a quick explination. I got to a Tafe; and basically, there isnt much money to go around. So since they need a few of things, they have to get stuff thats not the best. All our lanters are old (we use our Patt 223's a fair bit, and everything else is 10, 15+ years old. no moving...
  4. Tank

    Don't you just hate working on a really great show?

    I did 'Little Shop Of Horrors' as my last HS show... I was pretty attached :) we did the whole, all the crew(students) on stage after the last show, me and the lead were best friends and both in year 12 (final year) and we both cried taking the set apart the next day... pretty darn attached we...
  5. Tank

    Putting A Face To The Name

    im new, but i was delving through pics anyways, so here we go; Heres me rehearsing (omg acting >.< hahah!) for a show earlier this year; (im on the right) An obligatory working pic: (on a primary school...
  6. Tank

    Hello All!

    \o/ i didn't mentione that i was a girl either :oops: woo for femme-techs :D Here it seems to be kinda rare... at least at the level im at, at the moment (work = roadie / local crew in melb) and i think for Big Day out there were maybe 6 or 7 chicks? :\ ah well ^_^ it's all great fun. is...
  7. Tank

    Hello All!

    I *think* caffeeine counts as a drug... :ninja: hehe :) and melbourne for the win! although more specifically Prahran... *hugs prahran*
  8. Tank

    Hello All!

    I was *almost* weirded out a touch, then i remembered that most of those here are in the theatre industry... hooray for theatre and the associated insanity! <3 :grin:
  9. Tank

    Where do you call your shows from? (High school especially)

    At my HS it was a bit whacked out, there was the director, LX op, SND op, and often some other random teachers who decided to join in. and there was no communication with those on the floor. the LX and SND was run seperately... no prompt copy or anything of the like. I was "SM" on the floor, but...
  10. Tank

    Hello All!

    Hey Everyone! I found this board via some googling searches for some ideas for a show im doing Lighting for; and since I see myself as an up-and-coming techie etc, I thought I would join and delve further into the forums! So, a bit about myself; i'm 19 from Melbourne, in Australia. I'm...