Recent content by Twin

  1. Twin

    BFA Conservatory for Lighting

    So this might be controversial among this crowd, but because UNCSA is in-state and so cheap. I'd love to be able to get that BFA and then go to a Law School so I can work in regional theater and professional theaters while also doing law work.
  2. Twin

    BFA Conservatory for Lighting

    Primarily Broadway or Regional Theatre Lighting Design. I don't see an MFA of Lighting Design in my future but it could be.Thats partly why I like UNCSA because its an undergrad only lighting program that offers a lot of tech and design experience. I can DM you a link to my portfolio website...
  3. Twin

    BFA Conservatory for Lighting

    Yes, I am able to pay for college that won't lead to student loans at all. I'd love to go to UNCSA but am looking at other schools in case I can't get in that are lighting specific.
  4. Twin

    BFA Conservatory for Lighting

    Hello,I am a High School Master Electrician and lighting designer with a decent portfolio. I am looking for lighting specific BFA programs? I really like UNCSA, especially because it's in-state.Does anyone have any recommendations?