Keyword Alert System

There are currently over 35 thousand discussions on ControlBooth with around 100 new messages posted daily. Keeping up with every message, day in and day out is nearly impossible. We created our Keyword Alert System for our advertisers to be able to keep an eye out for conversations about their products or services on ControlBooth. It allows you to input a list of terms/product names that you want monitored. If a discussion on ControlBooth mentions any of these keywords, our system will send you an email alerting you, so you can keep an eye on the thread or even respond to questions about your products quickly. Companies like ETC and Chauvet have adopted this system and are using it's capabilities to treat ControlBooth as a key support channel. The alerts let their tech support staff monitor conversations to see if they need to step in with a more technical answer, or provide more hands on support. It has proven remarkably effective.

But how will you know what is being said without spending an hour or more every day? We have recently decided to make this feature available to individual users who purchase a corporate membership. Our corporate membership is $250 per year, per person. (All the employees of companies that advertise with us can use the keyword alert system).

In order to get a corporate membership simply do the following: Go to the top right below the banner ad and find the dropdown menu attached to your username and select Account Upgrades, then select Corporate Membership (1 Year) or Corporate Membership (1 Year Recurring). Then go to the Keyword Alerts options and setup your keywords to get notifications on.

  • Published
    Nov 4, 2015
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