

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am the Operations Manager for a Pyrotechnic Display company operating in the State of Hawaii. While we specialize in outdoor fireworks displays, we also do stage pyrotechnics. In addition, we dabble in other special effects such as confetti cannons, lasers, and some music production.
In my personal life, I enjoy volunteering for small community theater productions and (if I can ever find the time) would like to get more involved in technical direction.
So I come with a wealth of knowledge about some pretty specialized aspects of theater, and in exchange am looking to lean more about lighting, audio, and other technical production techniques. Glad to be here.

Welcome Bruce! Great to have you abroad. Hope you enjoy your time here and hope we are able to exchange mutually beneficial information.

Just a few words of caution. We take safety and education around here very seriously, as I am sure you do. We have just very recently relaxed our terms of use here to help to include general information about previously taboo items such as rigging and pyro. We do not allow any "how to" posts regarding rigging or pyro. Our default answer is "when in doubt contact a professional".

Enjoy CB!

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