Booth monitor amplifier having problems - go with powered speakers or replace amp?

Re: Booth monitor amplifier having problems - go with powered speakers or replace amp

To anyone reading this, please do not take anything the wrong way. I am tired of seeing a simple question absolutely beaten to death without knowing the OP's qualifications. Just get to the heart of the facts.
We could go on all day about things such as install procedures, circuit availability, circuit rating, what cable will you use, judge why you would want monitors and how you might install them within proper guidelines, but at the end of the day all you asked was what to buy, so only listen to that advice. Anything else is meant to make the poster sound important and know-it-all, or to make you think twice. If you give it a chance, someone will tell you you're using too thin a guage of audio cable or that an RCA to XLR adapter, active or passive, is an unacceptable way to get signal to the speakers.
I'll get on my soap box here with ny personal perspective...
  • It's free help so you have to pretty much take what is offered. And a subset to that is that some here are professionals, if you want their dedicated help or to be able to direct what they offer then hire them, otherwise they are likely to justify investing the time and effort required to respond by responding in a manner that possibly helps multiple people with similar questions or situations.
  • You can't assume no one knows a person posting, their situation or their qualifications, particularly if it is a long time or frequent poster.
  • A simple, direct answer is not always the most appropriate response. Many people asking questions may not know what to ask or know about related issues but that does not mean they are not relevant or valuable to discuss. It can be totally appropriate to ask for additional information and/or address possible related issues, I've seen too little information be harmful many more times than too much information.
  • The people most able to help may also often be the ones that most recognize and care about the potential liability associated with and results of offering an incomplete or poorly based response.
  • "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime." "I met a man with a dollar. We exchanged dollars, and each still had a dollar. I met a man with an idea. We exchanged ideas, and now we both have two ideas." (the founding principle of SynAudCon). The point is that not just the OP but others as well can often gain more from a discussion than from a direct answer.

Don't let anyone on here discourage you or second guess your actions. It is your space and you should do what you are comfortable with.
I understand the sentiment but this reminded me of a friend that worked in a fishing and hunting department and would have obviously upset people come in asking about the best gun to buy to shoot someone (and can they get it now). Only you know all the details of your situation and the final choice of what you do is always yours, however that does not mean that others should always support that choice or assist in its implementation. Some times suggesting alternatives may be in everyone's best interest.

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