Commercial Break: Pros please stop in the education forum and help with this poll


Senior Team
Senior Team
Fight Leukemia
A constant theme in the Education forum is the debate of how much education a young technician needs. I maintain that hard work, dumb luck, and who you impress with your work is just as important, if not more important, than what degree you have and where you got it. Don't get me wrong you do need a good basic broad education to get started, but unlike other careers an expensive MFA is not a golden ticket in our industry. In fact I would argue people with expensive degrees they can't afford are more likely to have to quit doing tech and find a job in another field just to pay the bills.

If you are a pro who has been out of college for 5-10 years and feel like you have really found your place in the industry. Please stop by my new poll and vote also leave a brief comment below about the factors that led to you finding your place in this industry.

Here's the link.

Thanks, Gaff

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