Crew troubles

I have a similar problem. I am in 10th grade and a lot of the kids in tech are my friends. They don't like to listen when I ask them to do stuff before or even during a show. It finally got sorted out by talking to them and explaining that it is really fun to hang out and I like hanging out with them but during a show it is more important that the audience laugh and have fun and we do our jobs.

Same here but my crew all want to do tech as a carrier so they don't give me too much trouble. Plus we when down to Las Vegas to see Phantom of the Opera and talk to the crew. I was drooling most of the show at the gear and the professionalism of how the show was run.
I agree with all those before me who said that in charge of the crew, TD or whatever, needs to deal with it. I've been on enough shows where the TD puts up the set, gives some props, and is gone until strike. (First time it happened I didn't even know we had a TD). I was de facto in charge of my crew. It wasn't that big of a deal then, but on a show where you have more than a couple people on crew it becomes more difficult.

I have been given the advice like explaining that everyone has a role to play, like the performers, but that theirs is "fog boy" for this show, and mine is a stage manager.
Threatening can work, but it can also effect mutiny.

Give them a copy of the techie bible and just tell them to deal.

At the end of the day, the person who will be getting yelled at by the PM or director for the crew misbehavior is the one who should be controlling them. Unfortunately it is one of the sucky parts of being SM, especially it we aren't the ones who are in charge of them.

Break legs.

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