Here ya go:
* white/orange - pin 3 (Data 1+)
* orange - pin 2 (Data 1-)
* white/green - pin 5 (Data 2+) *optional*
* green - pin 4 (Data 2-) *optional*
* blue - Not used
* white/blue - Not used
* white/brown - pin 1 (Signal Common for Data 1)
* brown - pin 1 (Signal Common for Data 2) *optional*
I think this is right, I kinda had to figure it out myself. The only part that I'm not sure about is the commons, the rest should be good.
If anyone wants to check my work, I was looking at the pinouts here:
from earlier in this thread :oops:

edit: unless you meant did radman ever figure out if he was right...
In all honesty, which colour pair you use for which run is in fact irrelevant expect for the fact that it needs to be the same at both ends. But if we delve into the world of telecommunications for a moment, and if my memory serves me correct, Pair 1 is Blue, Pair 2 is Orange, Pair 3 is Green & Pair 4 is brown. Now by logic that should mean that Blue is Data 1, Orange is Data 2 & Green is ground. However some smart person decided that it might be a smart move to help reduce the damage that an oops can do, do they avoided pair 1's use. That way if we get telecomms & DMX mixed we don't blow too much up. So data must be on a pair, and by convention, colour is +ve and colour / white is -ve. For the sake of convenience, personally, I'd ground any wire that I wasn't using, but that's just habit. So follow Radman's code and you shouldn't have too many issues.

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