Haze effect

As an alternative to using particulates, you can achieve a simular effect using lights.

The DMX Abyss for example simulates rippling water when in focus, out of focus you might just get a smokey effect.

Here is an infocus pic... remember this is an animated effect so the ripples move.

I'd love to have that scrim efect... but i can't use a scrim. We don't have the room for it to move fast enough. or even far enough out. I just want a slightly less amount of haze than what they had at some points.
You could always use a roller style curtain to use the scrim.
This is from Gilletts's book "Stage Scenery."

Crossed my mind till i saw rehearsal and saw how quickly the director was having things shift between areas...

If you are framilliar with "Rehearsal for Murder" this is the show we are doing. I'm almost at the point of striking the idea of haze due to the visual the director already having i think he wants it all to be done with lights and no sfx...
You can always have the scrim on the floor, and pull it up which can happen very quickly, My understanding is that open the traveler, and then they walk back into the past, you then drop it when the walk back into the present

the other thing that is done is that you have a split scrim, each overlaping a bit but one offset behind the other so that the actors walk from the present into the past via a passage way infront of say the left scrim and behind the right scrim.

It would have to be the split scrim, and i really like that idea. Cause through the scene people walk between both areas so it couldn't be a solid scrim. I'll see what i can do with that idea.
Some of us never give up ;-)

What I have done in the past is not to use the traveler, instead use a split scrim in black and use lighting, where as you know if you front light it, it will appear solid, if you back light it it will appear transparent. works quite well for a transition from present into past or future

Hmm If i had to do this I'd say if you had some black tabs upstage i'd close them at one point and then behind those i'd flood the area with haze bob's you uncle when you want haze just open the tabs the actors can step back into it all, I'd use alot of blue's and cold washes for the past and maby some soft spots depending on what was going on in the scene?
Just my two cents on the whole thing :)
For once I find myself disagreeing with gaff...
Stay away from LeMaitre....god i hate those machines. They don't work overly well...are clunky and a pain in the kiester.

I agree with you on the Neutron, but the Radiance is a whole different animal. IMO, the best unit in water based hazers available under $2000.

If you need to clear the deck and supplement your HVAC I'd try a couple vornado fans (available at home improvement stores) for under $100 for the pair. They move a lot of air in a short time.

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