

Hello, I've just joined the board after browsing your forums for quite a while now. I am a master electrician for a mid sized production company south of Atlanta Ga. My main job in my company is to maintain, prepare, demonstrate, coordinate, and operate rentals of our lighting and scenic equipment. That's the "official" part anyways. Really I do every job including cleaning the toilet. My primary passion is theatre and sound being my main focus. My company is a lighting and scenic company which has been around for 20 years. We have a rather large scene shop, I good warehouse packed to the ceiling (quite literally) with sets and randomness. We can also boast a rather impressive stock of lighting equipment and pipe & drape supplies. I swear this isn't a commercial for who I work for, I'm just trying to outline my experience as best as possible. I have also worked as the Technical Director of a few churches and I regularly volunteer my skills as a sound/lighting designer/technician at a few local community theaters. I also plan on attending school for audio design. I hope that I can be useful to someone using this forum and hopefully you can help me out as well!
Welcome to the ControlBooth jr464!

There is so much to glean here, and to share as well. Please don't be a stranger!

Welcome! :clap:

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