Locking Wall Covers

Alrighty, here's my problem:

In my house, we have house lighting control panels in the walls near the front door. These used to have covers over them, but have cracked and snapped off. So we need something to replace them with. I'm kind of looking for an oversized thermostat covers, but needs to be about 14" long. I haven't been able to find anything like this. It just needs to cover it and be lockable. Any Ideas?

Problem #2:

Same need, just for Telex Wall controls/speakers. Those darn actors keep turning them on and listening to our conversations and adding comments where they deem necessary, so we're looking for a way to cover/lock those up as well.

Ummmm.... What kind of architectural control system do you have? Try asking the manufacturer. As for the audio stuff, if you can't find a cover, can you remove the box? Just having a 70v monitor system may be easier, though I suspect you're looking for low-budget here.

I'd have to look at my Telex to remember, but can you just pull the control knob off? We did this at another theater on a generic system to stop actors from turning down the cue intercom.
I think custom built is the best option. You might even check with the woodworking teacher and see if the class might be able to build custom boxes as a project.

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