Need some advice on camera and a switcher for a complete 3 cam live production setup

Hello all, I am on the media team of a decently large church of 1200 that has decided to endeavor into the world of live production. my background is video production, however I have never had the opportunity nor budget to setup a ground up video system. Currently we have a max budget of $25k (not tiny, but not big either) for the system in its entirety. We are looking for as future proof and as high of quality as possible: that being said here is a list of equipment that we are looking into so far, if you could give me any advice or your opinions on this equipment that would be much appreciated!

conditions will be low light, cameras about 80-120ft from the stage, and most likely on tripods in the balcony, for services, and in a 16x18 studio for pre-recorded videos, the switching and editing will be in an enclosed studio

(needs to have hd-sdi and a minimum of 4 inputs)

Panasonic hmx100
Datavideo se2000

Cameras: ( this is where we are most torn)
Looking for: high zoom range, 3 chip, 422 color, p2 v.sdhc v. cf, high mbps data rate, I know we can't get everything we want for $4500ish each cam but trying to get the most for our money

JVC gy-hm600u
sony pmw 100
sony nexcam ea50u
canon fx105

Most of the time cameras will be used to shoot services, however they will also be used in a studio environment and for field shooting

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