Conventional Fixtures Source Four lamp cap differences



What are differences between these two caps. Please explain. Thanks!

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Top one is a 750, bottom 575? Extra hole drilled under the lamp base.
under the lamp base.
Socket. The base is part of the lamp.

Agree, the one on the left is older, probably second generation as it does include the lamp retainer wire. Will not fit on newer units unless the four nubs around the circumference are filed off (which is acceptable to do).
As far as the burn bases not fitting on fixtures, as has been mentioned, the ETC factory has said that it is fine to remove the nubs on the fixture body that prevent the newer caps from fitting. This difference came from a change in the casting machinery. It has nothing to do with the fixtures being stamped 750 or not.
Will not fit on newer units unless the four nubs around the circumference are filed off (which is acceptable to do).
I think you have that backwards. Old caps fit any bodies, new caps will not fit old bodies with nubs. Unless that's what you mean...;)

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