Strand Digital Environ Rack Processor backup battery type?

1) Look at the one that's in there now, or 2) LOOK AT THE DOCUMENTATION! (NOT experienced with "Strand Digital Environ rack processors" in any way, but that seems to be the obvious first choices.)
Not to sound snarky...but 1) if I had the unit in front of me, don't you think I would have thought to look?, 2) Have you ever looked at Strand Documentation? It is not even listed on the schematics (good luck trying to source any documentation to out-of-catalog Strand products - Strand will just send you to Joel Epstein at Century)
Are you sure it's got one? This is taken from the DE90 documentation :
7. User programmed information shall be held in non-volatile memory which retains its data in the event of power switch off or failure. Systems requiring batteries shall not be acceptable.

There are some links to documentation at Theatrecrafts which may be useful.
All figured out (once on site) Maybe I'm just a little rusty at my game...but I mistakenly though when the customer told me the battery error was "on the dimmer's LCD display" they meant the Dimmer Rack.....and not the Lighting Console's LCD display. Now I understand why I never had to deal with a DE90 battery. There are just so many things you can call a Dimmer found in a theatre....too bad only one of them is correct.

Thanks anyway. It is good to see the world starting to wake up a little.

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