Throwing mics

My boss (and the principal) want to charge them for each wireless and one of the stands.
I'm glad to hear that... if the Principal really wanted to push it, he could probably suspend them for a few days, for "destruction of school property."
Wow is definately my first impression. Yeah stuff gets broken (accidentally), but throwing mics down !?!?!? Was he high?

Don't do this til after they pay you guys for new ones, but you can probably fix the mics they broke. If its just the plastic case it shouldn't be to hard... you could gaff tape it or take it apart and use epoxy along with something to provide some extra strength (.5mm alumminum sheet metal?). The main thing would be to protect it from pulling apart in a way that would damage the internal wiring and/or components as well as whatever cosmetics you need. I remember seeing something ...on blue room maybe... about somebody fixing the case for a mover with some epoxy and paint (though how they broke the case without damaging anything inside I don't know).

Now totally different story if it broke anything in it, I'm not enough of a sound person to say what hope you have of fixing it then... but we've got lots of sound guys/gals on here.
Back in high school, my junior year, the entire group of techs went on a field trip, leaving me and my friend to tech this show for a group. She was stage managing the productions, and I was running lights and sound.

Anyhow, I was paying attention to the mix, when I hear over headset "WTF A PLANK JUST HIT ME IN THE FACE" - I look up to see a guest band, made up of kids from another local high school, destroying their guitars in to our stage, kicking their drumsets in, and generally attempting to destroy everything. - After their act the show was called off and everyone was sent home.

Fast Forward 2 years -
All members of that band were sent to court, had to pay the $5,000 to resurface the stage (sprung floors can't be sanded =P ), and had to each do some amount of community service.

When dealing with kids, you will always have some morons who attempt this BS, and think they will get away with it. It is an unfortunate fact of working with high school kids - or bands in general. They all think they are rock stars.
"Kentlake Idol"

Do you mean Kentlake as in Kent, WA?

Also, something similar happened to me at the rehearsal for the talent show at my school. It was less of a problem, but still involved people knocking our (100% brand new) mics over and laughing about it.
On the same sub-topic of obnoxious hs bands...

How do you get them to SHUT UP!!!
or play you're being heard by the english class on the other end of the school who chose not to come down and see the talent show?

Problem is I never run their gear through the board...they're already too loud.

I've dealt with this one several times. I've even tried telling them they're playing at "illegal levels"
We have several students who can't get their report cards till they pay off their lunch dues.
And you use this as punishment! Free food and your parent's can't see you are failing. Not sure if you got that one right ;)

Sound's like this kid didn't understand that rock stars aren't allowed to do it, they get away with it as they are rock stars!

I found the video of Greenday, it seems there is fruit playing trumpets in the background... Strange...
And you use this as punishment! Free food and your parent's can't see you are failing. Not sure if you got that one right ;)

Actually most parents are pretty good about checking report cards. Besides all grades are available to parents online via a simple password system where parents can view their child's grades. If a kid doesnt pay it off, we do make a nice call to the home. Besides, you can only charge up to $15 dollars before they cut you off.
Principal (meaning she passed it off to one of the assist. principals) sent out the letter several days ago telling they have to pay the fine (only $507). I have a feeling he will pay it pretty soon. (One of my techs is friends with one of his friends that he asked for money to pay it.)
Plus, today we bought a new wireless!
And the new wireless came in at the bargain price of $507, right? :rolleyes:
in high school we had power sockets that could be turned off from the booth.

the tech crew would supply the extension cords and power strips and make sure we pluged the amps in to these sockets.

Absolute control is pretty neat.
Absoloute control is fantastic. From me controling the Dome's power, to blacking out the stage when someone forgets to thank the lighting crew.
Because being immature is a great way to help your reputation. Never turn the lights off onstage unless it's been rehearsed. I wouldn't want people suddenly in the dark in an environment they probably aren't too familiar with. How well can you see in pitch black when you've been staring past a few dozen kW's of lighting?
we had a band at our end of the year concert (i won't say who) and their lead vocalist spiked our 58Beta on the concrete parking lot. afterwards he claimed he didn't know it was ours. the mic was shot and the group is never allowed back at our university again.
it sucks royally, especially when we still have to pay them under contract. as far as i know they didn't have to replace the mic either.
A few years ago at my school's annual talent show the same thing happened. A rap group decided to throw the three mics we supplied them with at the floor without warning. I guess they decided before the show that it would be cool or something to throw mics at the ground. Now instead of letting the talent show groups use the normal new mics we give them old ones that we have been keeping around for no reason. They barely work and it is sad when one group ruins a good thing for future performers.
in high school we had power sockets that could be turned off from the booth.

the tech crew would supply the extension cords and power strips and make sure we pluged the amps in to these sockets.

Absolute control is pretty neat.

We had a concert where the final act just simply didn't want to end. We started to dim the stage lights and they werent getting the hint. We turned the lights back on and the next step was decided to be to go flip their breakers. We flipped them, figured that they realized they were done and turned them back on so they could break their stuff down. Nope, they kept playing. Then we flip the breakers again while the big burly teacher goes on stage right up to the lead singer and says you're done. Not to mention that one of the earlier bands (opening act if I'm not mistaken) decided it would be funny to start singing Family Reunion by Blink 182. If you're familiar with the song, just, well, you know. The student who was managing the event's mouth was on the floor, we cut their vocals :) She was pleased. When the same band (opening band) was told to play one last song, they played one last song, a medley of 7 songs. Gotta love 'em, actually, no you dont.
Has anyone noticed that nine times out of ten, these wannabe rock stars who steal all their moves from The Who really do suck. Pardon the bluntness, but I've dealt with my fair share, and have noticed a negative correlation between talent and on-stage gear destruction. :rolleyes::lol:

As with nearly everything in high school, it's all to do with the:

"I'm a bad***, therefore you should worship my coolness" mentality. What's sad is that people are talking about him more because of stupid stuff like this...
While watching WWE, I notice, they are pretty rough on their wireless mics. Is it just that they have a hefty budget and can afford to damage them or are there mics that can actually take the abuse?

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