Trapdoor question


Active Member
To start - we do have trapdoors cut into our stage in three positions (left, center and right). The main stage (not the apron) consists of reinforced concrete ribbed slabs. On top of the slabs is a double layer of pine 2 x 6 (or so). On top of the pine is a layer of tempered hardboard. When they cut the holes in the slabs for the trapdoors, they left a lip all around the hole. The doors (which are double layers of pine) sit on the lips and are held down (not that it is that necessary to hold them down) by steel cable with turnbuckles. If you want to remove the trapdoor, you go to the basement and get a ladder and loosen the turnbuckles. You then lift the trapdoors. That describes the permanent trapdoors or plugs. The distance from the basement floor to the door opening is about 10'.

In the past, when they want to use the trapdoors, they have used ripped 2 x 4 and 3/4" plywood to construct a temporary trapdoor. Does anyone have any other methods of construction that would be better (or different)? The holes are maybe 40" or so square.

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