Why hullo thar!


Active Member
If you couldn't tell, it's Clifford. I 'work' in my high school's PAC here in San Diego. It's a bit of a pile, but we all love it. Anywho, I'm glad I found a place like this. I may be in charge next year, and there's quite a learning curve.
Welcome to the Booth Clifford! I'm sure we can help you with any questions you have and you may be able to help others so jump right in and join the conversation!

The Standard Greeting:
There are lots of great people around here willing to help with your questions. Get to know the search function, there is a ton of information already posted in the archives. Post a link to your theater's website if you have one, we love to see what other people are doing. Have fun and get involved, the Booth is a great community but it needs your voice added to the mix too!
I will add my 'Yo, Clifford!' to the mix and welcome you on board. Everyone here is just a little bit crazy, but I'm sure youll find that a boon after awhile. This is a great place to look for obscure (or not so obscure) info.

Jump in and join the frey (sorry, AV, couldn't resist - it's fray, fray)!

Char5lie (the 5 is silent)

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