
IAEI Printable version

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International Association of Electrical Inspectors. Link

As a pioneer, the International Association of Electrical Inspectors plays a strong leadership role in the electrical industry and its many organizations and associations. Because of its reputation for fairness and code-compliance, the association has long been labeled the Keystone of the Electrical Industry. Like the keystone, the association plays a cohesive role among testing agencies, standards organizations, manufacturers, distributors, and contractors. Membership in the association gives you access.

Our goals are:

* To cooperate in the formulation of standards for the safe installation and use of electrical materials, devices and appliances.

* To promote the uniform understanding and application of the National Electrical Code and other electrical codes.

* To promote cooperation between inspectors, the electrical industry and the public.

* To collect and disseminate information relative to the safe use of electricity.

* To represent the Electrical Inspectors in all matters which are dealt with nationally and internationally by the electrical industry.

* To cooperate with other national and international organizations in furthering the development of the electrical industry.

Taken from the IAEI website, link.

If you would like to get closer to your local electrical inspector, join IAEI and attend some local meetings--you will learn a lot!