
Pennsylvania-based manufacturer of stage and architectural lighting controls and dimmers since 1961. Website.

first of all, ...do I see him mention a call to Lehigh Electric (610-395-3386 or Welcome to Lehigh Lighting - Controls, Dimming, Fixtures). Secondly, in case you do not know this, Lehigh Electric is one of the oldest continuous stage lighting manufacturers in existence (I say the oldest because what we know as Strand actually happened in 1969) having been founded in 1961. It is family-owned and operated since its founding and one of the most financially solid companies that I have ever worked for. Management is conservative, not quick to jump on every fad. All R&D is done in-house, which cannot be said for many others in the industry that go outside or buy companies wholesale. Lehigh is now #3 in the stage construction market, ahead of Leviton, ET/Genlyte/now Philips, and EDI. We are just as strong in the Commercial Architectural market where we compete with Lutron, Lightolier, Leviton, and Lithonia. Please note: your company must begin with the letter "L" or you are not a factor in this market. Lehigh is a factor. ...Damian Delaney, Lehigh Electric Products Co., [email protected]. (aka: [USER]Naimad[/USER])

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