
PIGI Projector Printable version

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Perhaps the most advanced large-format still film projector for scenic or outdoor projection--pronounced "pee-gee", not "piggy". The PIGI utilizes 18cm-wide sprocketed film that allows precise image registration. The most current PIGI projectors use two films running through the gate of the unit, so that one can be used as a mask for animated interference effects. Even more amazing, the film scrollers rotate.

PIGI's use high power HMI and Xenon lamp sources, which allow projections on outdoor building surfaces hundreds of meters square.

These projectors almost completely replaced Pani scenic projectors during the early 2000's.

And, while video is getting close, currently it cannot compare with the output or resolution of these units.

For more information and project photos on these amazing machines, see:

ETC London - Paris High Power Projection Experts Transformations with image and light

It should be noted that ETC, formerly E\T\C Audiovisuel, is in NO WAY connected with the Electronic Theatre Controls of Middleton, WI, USA. In 2010, they were officially renamed The Projection Studio.