Monkey's Fist

The Monkey's Fist is an ancient stopper Knot.


This Knot has had several uses including:
  • Depth Sounding - A rock tied in a monkey's fist is lowered on a rope with a knot along at certian intervals. The number of knots that go into the water until it hit's the bottom are counted.
  • slungshot - A sailor's weapon, a rock in a monkey's fist swung around.
  • Ornament - This knot is also found tied, and used as cuff-links or other things in a form of decoration.
  • Throwing rope - Using a monkey's fist allows you to throw a rope further with more accuracy. Often tied in a rope with a bowline near the end to throw a line to dock from large sailing vessels. I've also used it to throw lines up to someone on a catwalk before.

To tie a simple Monkey's Fist on the end of a rope.
  1. Form three or more overhand loops in your hand
  2. Pass an equal number of loops though the center of the first ones, starting on the opposite side of the starting end.
  3. Pull Tight, with the one end inside the knot.

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