Episode 17 – Jon Sharpe


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United Staging & Rigging President and Owner Jon Sharpe joins us today to talk about the history of USR and the process of going from a truck driver to a business owner. We discuss some of the new services and their new “Big Tool” they use for custom solutions for the clients as well as some of their higher profile and challenging projects. We also talk about the benefits USR has seen as a member and sponsor of the Event Safety Alliance. USR website - https://www.unitedstaging.com/ USR on FOLLOW ME - https://youcanfollow.me/UnitedStagi...4P8i70AKzaxd82U7Ky0Y8ZISc9x9XfNymXaBqPoleSdWw The EVENT SAFETY ALLIANCE - https://www.eventsafetyalliance.org/

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